Monday, January 26, 2015

how's it hangin'?

I am hanging up my most favorite piece of artwork... ME!  I was gonna use the stud-finder, but it just goes crazy whenever I'm around...

Thanks for my favorite painting of me, Aunt Eva-Lena Rehnmark!


  1. Very creative and clever!

  2. Hello,
    I just discovered the beautiful Ruf' from a friend who sent me the link and I love it !!!
    He is so cute and you guys are so creative and fun !!!
    I think I will post on my blog about your site for my friends to hear about it because it's GREAT !
    Thanks and keep on !

    1. Hi Marike & Co!
      Thank you so much for the kind comments!! We are having so much fun creating these and we're happy that it's making people smile and laugh! :D


leave me a message after the woof: WOOF!